Thanks for taking the time to visit Greenlee.Video! I'm Jim Greenlee & I've been around for 41 years now. I'm a lucky guy who married a beautiful & kind woman, Angela, almost 21 years ago! We have two great boys, our oldest Ty who is studying Poultry Science as a sophomore at Texas A&M & Jake a sophomore in high school. 
Jake is a tough kid who was born 13 weeks early at 2 lbs 12 oz & has had cerebral palsy because of it. He just underwent major corrective surgery to straighten his feet that involved cutting both femurs & placing metal rods down the middle of both of them amongst other things. It has been a hard recovery, but he puts his all into the physical therapy so that hopefully in the next two months he will be walking on his own again! 
I also had back surgery a couple months ago to remove part of a herniated disc that was pinching a nerve in my spine & causing severe pain that was forcing me to do nothing but lay on my side for weeks! The surgery worked well to correct that pain. But I have lived & continue to live in constant pain every day of the last eight years. 
I was working as the Production Coordinator at Grace Bible Church when I began having severe pain in my low back & down my right leg. That was my dream job! I'd wanted to work in ministry my entire life, but don't have the gifts of a preacher. This job, however, was perfect! I oversaw all of the A/V tech & volunteers for a 5,000+ member church that, at the time, had 3 campuses & 8 Sunday services! I also created videos as part of the job. So, since I had been playing drums & running sound boards since the age of 15, I was able to put all of the creative & technical talents God blessed me with to work & still got to work with & help people through the 50+ production volunteers I oversaw!
Unfortunately, I had to step down from that job because my constant chronic pain continued to grow worse & worse & that job had a good amount of physicality to it that I was really struggling to keep up with. The pain has ebbed & flowed over the past eight years & it does limit me, but I have a great pain management doc that has helped me immensely to be able to work full time most weeks. I don't know if the pain will ever go away at this point, but I continue to have hope for that & do my best every day to have a "normal" life.
There is a lot more I could say & for those of you that want specifics on previous jobs & skills you can find all of that info put more succinctly in my resume linked above. I don't know yet what God has in store for my future, but I would love to someday be able to work with ministries & non-profit organizations & create documentary style videos that they could use to further their work. So if you have advice or can play a role in helping me to achieve that dream, please reach out! I would love to work with you! Thank you again for taking the time to read through all of this, I hope to hear from you soon!
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